title: CD SAOFS Jesús María


  ¿Por qué escogernos?

Porque creamos inspiración, talento y destreza en el/la futbolista.

"Nuestra empresa es el resultado del trabajo llevado a cabo por profesionales experimentados en el entrenamiento del fútbol en los últimos diez años  Resaltamos nuestra Metodología Activa, innovadora y revolucionaria para el mundo del fútbol"

Live a unique experience to grow as a person and athlete. Going abroad means leaving the comfort zone, overcoming the language barrier and meeting people from different countries and cultures, an experience that provides extraordinary cultural and personal enrichment, an experience that helps to socialize, mature, make your own decisions and In short, to develop a personality that will help you in the future.

- An educational experience in which you will get to know other languages and cultures.

- A soccer experience that will instill healthy habits and the values of sport.

- A life experience that will allow you to improve your confidence, responsibility and social skills.

- And most importantly ... you will have your opportunity of being a professional footballer

Sin Más Piojitos



Calle Juan Aguilar 2 ( Campanar) 46015 Valencia,  963142988 - 644022443

Plaza Polo Bernabé 7 (Mestalla) 46010 Valencia, 963142988 - 644022443